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I'm spending christmas in Washington state with my eldest brother (I live in Tx). I'm catholic, but my brother is a member of the church of latter day saints. That said he is vey very respectful of my religion, and very supportive of it. He says as long as we pray to the same God he doesn't see any problems. He even went to mass with me when he was visiting over thanksgiving. He wants me to go to church with him tomorrow, which I readily agreed to. My question is, what should I do to be respectful. I know he's butted heads with a few members of his church because of their catholic bashing (he doesn't like that at all). If asked, should I keep my mouth shut that I'm catholic? For his sake only, I don't want to cause trouble for him. __________________The woman came from a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal. Under his arm to be protected, and next to his heart to be loved. |
I see no conflict in that. Respect him as he respect you.
__________________ |
Dear Lonely Guy, Fear not For God is with you... I say, "Go For It". You should go There is no need to bring up you're Catholic, unless you are specificaly asked. At that point, I would simply say, Yes, I'm Catholic". That should be sufficient. If someone is unkind and bgins to "Bash You", simply say, "I do not care to engage in this conversation", and walk away. I am sure your brother will be supportive of you. I wish you well my Catholic friend. May God continue to bless you abundantly !!! |
I can help you out if you are in SW Wash. __________________"No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church JP2 -- Pray for Us |
The top brass of the Church of Latter Day Saints get on quite amicably with the top brass of the Catholic Church in the United States. It's only when you get further down the ranks that the "our God's better than your God" nonsense sets in. Remember that there is only one God and that we worship him in many ways. Go to the Mormon Service with an open mind and you won't find much to offend or corrupt you - or in fact much that's unfamiliar. If you are asked, there should be no problem telling people that you are a Catholic. You're unlikely to be the only one in the congregation. Just don't wear that tee shirt with the Latin inscription. |
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